Saturday, October 18, 2008

A life lived in a circle

Ps. 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take  refuge in HIM!" 

I still remember vividly my childhood in Nimo, Papua New Guinea  (PNG) where my parents served as missionaries with New Tribes Mission (NTM). The memory of the people around me, my friends, living and dying with absolutely no knowledge of the cross is forever burnt into my mind. I also remember they way their lives were changed forever by the gospel. It has been fifteen years since then and these memories have affected every aspect of my life to this  day. 

I have been given the opportunity to be a part of what God is  doing in PNG. For the next four years I will serve the islands region missionaries  as a mechanic and construction worker.  Doing the tasks for those planting churches that would take their focus from the most important task. The task of telling of our savior, and walking with, and discipling the people there. 

This whole thing is so much bigger than me, and I can in no way do it alone. I need people burdened by God to join me supporting the work God is  doing. Together we can bring the knowledge of Christ to the darkest parts of the world.  It is my hope that God through all of you will provide the $3000 dollars month in support that is needed to do this. I am over half way there with a combined $2007 in pledged support.. 

My departure date is set for Jan 12th, only a few short weeks away. This is however dependant on support coming in by that time.  Many are joining in making this a reality but I am need others to be a part of this  and be a part of reaching the last tribes with the message of Christ.  Finances aren't the only way however, I need people praying on my behalf as well.. If you are unable to help financially please consider being a part in this way. I will be sending out periodic prayer letters and notes on exactly what God is doing. 
I am really excited as I have seen God move, the story is so much bigger than me or my life. I would love to have the chance to share the story of my childhood and of the need in places like Papua New Guinea. If there is a time where I can do that with you, your small group, or anyone you may know please let me know. Much needs to be done. I am willing to give my life to that purpose. I just need people willing to send me.  

I look forward to hearing from you, and answering  any questions you may have. I will keep my NTM website updated with prayer requests and news as well. God is moving in hearts, I hope He moves in yours and together we can reach out till the last tribe and tongue have heard the gospel.. Please 
email me or call me, I would love to share with you.

Thank you for your time, and prayers.     

Please pray for:

For God to be seen in me and for many to share with.

That those who hear  would be burdened to effect change in the world. 

That God would provide the prayer support and financial support needed to allow me to fill the gap and meet the need. 

For a new laptop capable of video and photo editing for support updates and such.

For strength to continue as I leave my family, friends, and the church I love.

Ryan Carpenter
521 Dove Creek Circle

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